I am not always kind when it comes time to review the year. I have a terrible habit of only remembering the difficult, the sad, or the frustrating. Now I won't pretend that 2011 was my best year and I won't pretend it was the happiest, because it wasn't either of those two things. But I also can't ignore what I was given. So thank you 2011 for:
Liberty Park Tennis Center
There was no better place to spend my summer.
I have been to so many weddings. But they were all great, seriously. There is something so happy about seeing your best friends find and commit to that person so perfect for them.
Being reminded of what I'm passionate about
Sometimes we settle for what will be the easiest, the quickest, or the most practical. One of the greatest feelings is realizing that you love something, and that something is the easiest, quickest, and most practical. Long live political science.
A trip to the Mall of America
It was everything I hoped it would be.
The world's best roommates
I'm about 100% sure my roommates don't read my blog, but if they happen to see this I want them to know they are the greatest. All 3 of them are kind, strong, intelligent, beautiful women and I am lucky to share a kitchen with them.
Wednesday trips to the Temple
Baptisms and dinner with Katie are the best 4 hours of the week.
I'm happy my roommates are always up for them, and I'm happy people come when we do the hosting.
Family History
I am doing it. And it's a great calling.
I am thankful for professors that take a vested interest in me.
I just love it.
New Friends
Between my ward, my classes, and friends of friends I have met some fantastic people.
Guest Speakers
Somehow they always seem to be doing exactly what I want to do, and are willing to answer all my questions.
A plan
I have one now. I have hopes, dreams, and ambitious goals. It's great.
Quality family time
Mom, Dad, Emily, Hailey and Ally. I love them and I love when we're all in the same car.
Nordstrom Rack
Heaven sent. Don't believe me? Two words. Jimmy. Choo.
With myself, with where I am, with where I'm going.
2011 was good, but 2012 will be better.
Its only been two weeks but I miss wednesdays. I saw the Muppet movie alone last night
Its only been two weeks but I miss wednesdays. I saw the Muppet movie alone last night
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